Muslim Community Center Of Winchester Area
Muslim Community Center of Winchester Area:
A few Muslim families, one after another, started to move to the beautiful city of Winchester and the areas around it. We all believed and understood that the role of the masjid is as important to us as it was in the time of our Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him). We started by renting a small office to be able to establish the most important pillar of Islam, the Salat (prayer). When the population of the Muslim community began to increase we needed to find a bigger location. We rented a small garage space and again it got small. With the help of ALLAH swt, we were able to establish our masjid in 2008 in Stephenson. Since then, the number of Muslims joining the community and coming to pray is increasing each year. AlhumduAllah. Our vision is to become a center of excellence for Islamic learning and practice providing a beacon for both Muslims and other faith communities who wish to gain a deeper knowledge and understanding of Islam – a place where one can experience and embrace the genuine beauty of our faith. Jazaakum Allah Khairan